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The Story of Cacao

About Product

Cocoa is a plant that thrives in Indonesia, particularly in the western part of Bali Island, namely Jembrana Regency. In Jembrana, cocoa grows exceptionally well, making it the largest cocoa-producing regency on Bali. The high market demand for fermented cocoa has led to increased harvesting and production, resulting in a significant amount of waste, such as cocoa pod husks. In this collection, Ka.carita is innovating by experimenting with turning cocoa pod husks into natural textile dye. For this experiment, Ka.carita has taken a hands-on approach by involving local cocoa farmers in the project. The farmers are asked to set aside the discarded cocoa pod husks after harvesting for processing into textile dye. Cocoa pod husks are rarely utilized and are often left as fertilizer or used as animal feed.
